E. olivier (1911) described and named the first firefly from Hong Kong - Rhagophthalmus motschulskyi. This species is still only known in Hong Kong.
Hill et al. (1982) reported Lychnuris analis and a Luciola sp. larva. The illustration suggests it is a Pyrocoelia sp. larva).
Lee & winney (1982) listed Lynchuris analis as the only member under Lampyridae in Hong Kong.
Hua (2002) listed 4 species of Hong Kong, Luciola ficta, Lychnuris analis, Pristolycus kanoi and Rhagophthalmus motschulskyi.
Jeng et al. (2003) indicated there are specimens of Luciola ficta from Hong Kong in Muséum National d Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
Yiu (2009) reported 13 species, 10 of which were new records to Hong Kong.
Yiu (2011) reported a new local record of Asymmetricata circumdata and two newly recognized species (reported by Yiu 2009 as unidentified) from Hong Kong. He also reported an aquatic firefly species resembling Aquatica ficta but differing in elytral colour and larval markings. Subsequently, Li et al. (2011) reported a new record of an aquatic firefly - Aquatica leii.
Ballantyne et al (2011) described a new species Pteroptyx maipo from Hong Kong.
Yiu (2012) included 25 firefly species of which nine species were first records from Hong Kong.
Yiu & Jeng (2017) described a new species - Oculogryphus chenghoiyanae from Hong Kong.
Yiu (2017) reported 29 species in 19 genera from Hong Kong, of which 8 species were newly described and named.