Luciola curtithorax
擬紋螢 Black Marked Flasher
體長6.5-8.0毫米。前胸背板前方中部有大黑斑,黑斑大小和深淺有個體差異; 雄螢發光器位於整個第6腹板和第7腹板。雌螢與雄螢外表近似,複眼較細小,發光器位於整個第6腹板。與 Luciola nr. laticollis 近似,但本種較大,有淺色鞘翅邊緣,發光模式是複式脈沖閃光。
Morphological features
Body length 6.5-8.0 mm, a large black mark at the middle of pronotum anterior region, size and darkness of the mark varies across individuals; light organs occupying ventrite 6 & 7 in male; only ventrite 6 in female. Female resembles male, but with smaller compound eyes. Close to Luciola nr. laticollis, but larger in body size, bearing light colour elytra rim and flash pattern is flash train.
Ngong Ping (Lantau)
Tei Tong Tsai, Yi Tung Shan, A Po Long, Mui Wo.
Adult flight period
May to June.
Other information
:Adults are found at dense woodlands, sometimes hundreds of individuals appear at the same time. Flying males display flashes with inter-flash ranges from 0.5-0.7 S, flash duration 0.5-0.6 s, composed of 4-8 closely connected pulses.
雄 Male 
雌 Female

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雌 Female

雌 Female

雄螢閃光 Male flashes

雄螢閃光模式 Male flash pattern

雄螢閃光 Male flashes
擬紋螢 Luciola curtithorax from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.