Species inquirenda 1
體長4.6-6.0毫米, 鞘翅後半部黑褐色、前半部黃褐;雄螢發光器位於整個第6腹板和第7腹板的前端2/3。雌螢與雄螢外表近似,發光器位於整個第6腹板。
大埔滘、城門水塘、大帽山、梧桐寨、赤徑 、 西貢鹹田、二東山、地塘仔、彌勒山。
活躍於近濕地樹林邊緣。飛行中雄螢發出簡單脈冲式閃光,頻率為11 Hz。根據雄性外生殖器形態未能,目前未能歸入所有已知的屬。
Morphological features
Body length 4.6-6.0 mm, elytra posterior half dark brown, anterior half yellowish brown; light organ occupying almost the entire ventrite 6 and anterior 2/3 of ventrite 7 in male. Light organ of female occupies ventrite 6.
Tai Po Kau, Shing Mun Reservoir, Tai Po Shan, Ng Tung Chai, Chek Kent, Ham Tin (Sai Kung), Yi Tung Shan, Tei Tong Chai, Nei Lak Shan.
Adult flight period
May to June
Other information
:Active in woodland margin close to wetland. Flying male display simple pulsation flash, frequency 11 Hz. According to the male genitalia morphology, there is not a genus into which it could reasonably fit at present.
雄 Male 
雌 Female

雄 Male
雌 Female

雌 Female (下 below) 雄 Male (上 above)

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄螢閃光模式 Male flash pattern
雄螢閃光 Male flashesSpecies inquirenda 1 from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.