
  • 持續發光,熠螢亞科以外的其他螢火蟲基本上都採用這個模式。

  • 簡單脈沖,脈沖頻率在1.5Hz至9.0Hz,脈沖持續時間在70毫秒至400毫秒之間,而脈冲間隔時間在60毫秒至400毫秒之間,因品種而異。
  • 複式脈沖閃光,每個重複閃光由兩個或更多脈沖組成;脈冲數目、脈冲持續時間、脈冲間隔時間、閃光間隔時間的差異可以形成很多不同組合和獨特的發光模式。

Through nervous system, fireflies can switch on and off the light emission. Some fireflies are capable to repeatedly switch on and off within a short duration, forming specific flash patterns and therefore flash pattern can be used for quick identification of some firefly species in the field. For Hong Kong fireflies, there are generally 3 types of flash patterns:

  • Continuous glow. All fireflies except members of sub-family Luciolinae, basically belong to this category.

  • Simple pulsation. Depends on different species, pulsation frequency ranges from 1.5Hz to 9.0Hz, duration of pulsation ranges from 70ms to 400ms, and inter-pulse duration ranges from 60ms to 400ms.

  • Flash train. Each repeated flash is composed of 2 or more pulses. Variation on number of pulses per flash, pulsation frequency, pulsation duration, inter-pulse duration, flash duration and inter-flash duration, could form many different combination and specific flash patterns.

持續發光 Continuous glow
5D a

持續發光 Continuous glow from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.

簡單脈冲 Simple pulsation
140602 Medeopteryx hongkongensis1

簡單脈冲 Simple pulsation
Luciola tuberculata

簡單脈沖式發光 Simple Pulsation Flash from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.

複式脈冲閃光 Flash train
120820 Sha Lo tung

複式脈冲閃光 Flash trainAbscondita terminalis

複式脈沖閃光 Flash Train from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.