Male body length 6.7-7.5 mm, compound eyes very large, elytra rims yellowish ; light organs almost completely occupy ventrite 6 and anterior half of ventrite 7; colour of elytra lighter than that of Aquatica ficta. Female resembles male, except generally large than male, and only one light organ occupying ventrite 6. Tergites of larvae black, with dense and irregularly distributed small yellow spots, and 4 large yellow marks along the posterior margin of each tergite. There is a pair of branched gills protruded from each abdominal segments. A pair of ight organs located at the lateral sides of ventrite 8, rounded.
Tai Po Kau, Fung Yuen, Sha Lo Tung, Shui Tsan Tin, Tsiu Hang, Lam Tsuen Valley, Wong Yue Tan.
Adult flight period
April to September.
Other information
Larva aquatic, live in slowly running, shallow water with soft bottom, feed on aquatic snails; mature larvae climb up to the wet soil and make hole for pupation, or pupate in wet soil covered by rocks. After mating, female lays eggs onto the aquatic plants' roots or stems near the water surface.
雄 Male 雌 Female 幼蟲 Larva 雄 Male 雄 Male 雄 Male 雄 Male 雄 Male (下 below) 雌 Female (上 above) 雌 Female (左 left) 雄 Male (右 right) 雌 Female (左 left) 雄 Male (右 right) 雌 Female 雌 Female 卵 Eggs 卵 Eggs 年幼幼蟲捕食螺 Young larvae predating s snail 幼蟲捕食螺 Larvae predating s snail 幼蟲在水底發光 A larva glow underwater 成熟幼蟲 Mature larva 成熟幼蟲 Mature larva 蛹及剛羽毛成蟲在泥穴內 Pupae and newly emerged adults in soil holes