Male body length 10-12 mm, compound eyes very large, elytra tip black; similar to Pteroptyx maipo, but the elytra of Pteroptyx maipo are deflexed and body is significantly smaller in size. Light organs almost completely occupy ventrite 6 & 7. Female resembles male, except generally large than male, and only one light organ occupying ventrite 6. Each tergites of larva bear 4 sharp projections from the posterior margin, there is a pair of yellowish brown makings at the pronotum anterior region.
Kam Tin, Shui Tsan Tin, Tai Po Kau, Bride's Pool, Wu Kau Tang, Sha Lo Tung.
Adult flight period
April to September
Other information
Often recorded in abandoned farmlands, sometimes in very large number, hundreds to thousands appear at the same time.
雄 Male 雌 Female 幼蟲 Larva 雄 Male 雌 Female 雌 Female 幼蟲 Larva 雄螢閃光模式 Male flash pattern 雄螢閃光 Male flashes 雄螢閃光 Male flashes 雄螢閃光 Male flashing