Pteroptyx maipo
米埔屈翅螢 Maipo Bent-winged Firefly
雄螢飛行時發出複式閃光,閃光持續約300毫秒、間距約1.7秒;每次閃光由7-16個緊密連接的脈冲組成。雌螢常停留在葉上,只偶爾飛行。幼蟲在紅樹林泥灘取食擬沼螺Assiminea sp. 和耳螺 Auriculastra sp.。在廣東省西部沿岸及海南島亦有分佈。
Morphological features
body length 6.8-7.5 mm, elytra tips black, strongly deflexed ; light organs occupying almost entire ventrite 6 & 7 in male. Female body length 7.2-8.5 mm, resembles male, but with smaller compound eyes, light organ only covers ventrite 6, elytra tips black, not deflexed.
Mai Po, Tin Shui Wai,
Adult flight period
April to September
Other information
: Flying male displays train flash, flash duration about 300 ms, inter-flash duration about 1.7ms. Each flash is composed of 7-16 closely linked pulsations. Larva feeds on two small snails — Assiminea sp. and Auriculastra sp.. Also recorded along coastline of Western Guangdong Province and Hainan.
Listed as Endangered by International Union for Conservation of Nature.
雄 Male 
雌 Female

雄 Male
幼蟲 Larva

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雌 Female (下 below) 雄 Male (上 above)

雌 Female (右 right) 雄 Male (左 left)

雌 Female (左 leftt) 雄 Male 右 right)

雌 Female (左 leftt) 雄 Male 右 right)

雌 Female 
雌 Female

幼蟲 Larva

幼蟲 Larva

幼蟲 Larva

前蛹 Pre-pupa

雄蛹 Male pupa

雌蛹 Female pupa

雄螢閃光 Male flashes

雄螢閃光模式 Male flash pattern

雄螢閃光 Male flashes米埔屈翅螢 Pteroptyx maipo from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.