Diaphanes lampyroides
鋸角雪螢 Snowy Window Firefly
Morphological features
Male body length 14-16 mm, body shape more slender than Diaphanes citrinus; windows located at the anterior region of pronotum are smaller and narrower; antennae well developed, serrate; light organ transverse, located at the 6th and 7th ventrite. Female body length 20-29 mm, completely wingless, antennae serrate, distinguised from the filiform antennae of Diaphanes citrinus; light organs transverse, located at ventrite 6 and 7. Larva dark brown, irregularly scattered with numerous small light brown spots.
:Tai Mo Shan, Shing Mun Reservoir, Tai Po Kau, Fung Yuen, Ngau Ngak Shan
Adult flight period
Late November to early January
Other information
:Males become active 30 minutes after sunset, often occur in large number, flying slowly and showing continuous glow
. 30 minutes later, quantity drops and almost all disappear after further 15 minutes. Female is seldom encountered, found on rocks or branches in open areas, bending its abdomen upward, showing the light.
雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雌 Female (右 right) 雄 Male (左 left)

雌 Female

雌 Female
雌 Female

雄蛹 Male pupa

雌蛹 Female pupa

幼蟲 Larva

幼蟲捕食蚯蚓 Larva predating a earthworm
幼蟲捕食蚯蚓 Larvae predating a earthworm

螢光軌跡 Light track

雄螢發光 Male glows鋸角雪螢 Diaphanes lampyroides from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.