成蟲形態 Adult Morphology
不同品種的螢火蟲外觀上有很大的差異。身體柔軟、長形、兩則近平行;前胸背板大致呈鐘形;複眼通常發達,多具發光器,位於腹板倒數第2至第3節。體型小至大,在香港,雄成蟲體長4.6mm - 21mm,雌成蟲體長 5.2mm - 47mm。顏色通常黄、橙、紅、淺褐色、深褐色、黑色或深淺色配搭為主。
Appearance of fireflies varies greatly. Body is generally soft, elongate and sub-parallel sided; pronotum generally bell-shaped; compound eyes usually well developed; light organs usually found at 2nd last and 3rd last abdominal ventrite . Size small to large. In Hong Kong, male body size ranges from 4.6 mm to 21 mm; female body size ranges from 5.2 mm to 47 mm. Body colour is usually yellow, orange, red, light brown, dark brown to black or combinations of dark with a light colour.

頭 Head
Head could be exposed, partially exposed or completely hidden under the pronotum. This is one of the important features for classification. Few species, belonging to the genus Pyrocoelia and Diaphanes, have small transparent area(s) close to the anterior margin of the pronotum. The structure is called vitreous aerolet. It is believed vitreous aerolets are for upward visibility.
半透明的窗點 Vitreous aerolets

複眼 Compound eyes
Compound eyes vary greatly in size. Compound eyes of the male are usually larger than those of the female of the same species. Flightless females have smaller compound eyes than females capable to fly. Nocturnal species generally have larger compound eyes than diurnal species. Species with male equipped with filiform antennae have the most well developed compound eyes, these include all Luciolinae species and a few Lampyrinae species. Compound eyes of genus Rhagophthalmus male and genus Oculogryphus have deep emargination.

觸角 Antennae
- 線狀/絲狀
- 鋸齒狀
- 櫛狀
- 雙櫛狀
Antennae are used for detecting chemical signals. Better development antennae usually come with less developed compound eyes and vice-versa. Lampyridae antennae consist of 11 segments. Female of some species have less segments. Rhagophthalmidae has 12 segments. Four types of antennae can be identified from Hong Kong species:
- Filiform.
- Serrate.
- Unipectinate.
- Bipectinate.
Members of Luciolinae have similar antennae for male and female of the same species. For other firefly species, antennae of male are usually much more well developed as compared with female's of the same species.

翅 Wings
Like other beetles, fireflies' forewings are hardened as elytra, for protecting the hindwings and the abdomen. Male fireflies need highest mobility to search for female, both wings are fully developed and functional. Female of some firefly species only have reduced wings. In some species, wings are completely lacking.

腹 Abdomen
Abdomen segmented, each segment contains tergite and ventrite, number, shape, size and structure of which are important for classification and identification of different firefly species. In Rhagophthalmidae, male has 8 visible abdominal ventrites and female has 9. In Luciolinae, there are 6 visible ventrites in male and 7 visible ventrites in female. In Lampyrinae, Ototretinae and Cyphonocerinae, male has 7 or 8 visible ventrites. Macropterous (wings fully developed) females have 6 or 7 ventrites.
Females with reduced or lost wings have 8 visible abdominal segments.

發光器 Light organ
發光器的大小、形狀、位置、和數目,在不同品種之間和同種的雌雄之間可以有很大的差異。發光器可以是一圓點、一片、C形、條狀、橢圓形、長方形或者佔據整片腹板。雌性雙色垂鬚螢近乎全身發光。數目方面,可以是1對、2對、3對、以致33點 (每節3點, 雌性凹眼螢)
The light emitting part is called lantern, luminescent organ, photic organ, photogenic organ or light organ. Size, shape, location and number of light organ could vary greatly between different species or between genders of the same species. The light organ could be a spot, a patch, c-shaped, a strip, oblong, rectangular or occupying the whole ventrite. In female Stenocladius bicoloripes, almost the whole body glows. There could be only one pair, two pairs, three pairs, or even 33 light spots (3 for each segment) as in female Rhagophthalmus

幼蟲形態 Larva Morphology
Colour of the larvae is usually similar to the living environment, such as black, brown and yellow. A few species have combination of red and dark colour which could be a warning signal to their potential predator. Larvae are generally elongated, slender and more or less tapering in both ends. The body is composed of head, three thoracic and nine abdominal segments. Dorsal side is usually more sclerotized and harder than the ventral side of the body. Intersegmental membranes and flexibility of the ventral part allow certain degree of elongation, shortening and curling of the body. Some larvae can even perform leech-like looping movement
Head is retractable beneath the pronotum and extensible when searching for preys or attacking preys. Antennae short, 3-segmented; ocelli (simple eyes) located on each side. Firefly larvae do not have compound eyes. Ocelli could only sense the brightness level and have no imaging capability. Mouthparts are well developed for predation.
Terrestrial larvae bear a pair of spiracles on the latero-tergites of abdominal segment 1-8. The spiracles are replaced by gills in true aquatic larvae.
Pyrocoelia has much longer and better developed legs compared with other species. This may be associated to their highly mobile behavior and ability of climbing on twigs. Their legs are also frequently used to grasp the snail shell when insect their head into the shell .
Many larvae also bear eversible glands which secret repellent substances. These eversible glands are only occasionally extruded for a short period of time from the lateral sides of each segment when the larva is under stimuli.
Light organs are found in all the recorded larvae from Hong Kong. Light organs exist at abdominal segment 7 , abdominal segment 8 or in some cases at both segment 7 and 8. Light signal emitted by the larvae is an aposematic display to their potential predators
There are a series of eversible filaments at the terminal abdominal segment called pygopods. Pygopods are used as a holdfast for anchorage and assisting locomotion They are also useful for holding the shell of preys, as well as cleaning the body.
窗螢幼蟲蛭式行走 Leech-like Looping Movement of Window a Window Firefly Larva
窗螢幼蟲蛭式行走 Leech-like Looping Movement of Window a Window Firefly Larva from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.
翻縮腺 Eversible glands

尾足 Pygopods

Like other beetles, fireflies' forewings are hardened as elytra, for protecting the hindwings and the abdomen. Male fireflies need highest mobility to search for female, both wings are fully developed and functional. Female of some firefly species only have reduced wings. In some species, wings are completely lacking.
Abdomen segmented, each segment contains tergite and ventrite, number, shape, size and structure of which are important for classification and identification of different firefly species. In Rhagophthalmidae, male has 8 visible abdominal ventrites and female has 9. In Luciolinae, there are 6 visible ventrites in male and 7 visible ventrites in female. In Lampyrinae, Ototretinae and Cyphonocerinae, male has 7 or 8 visible ventrites. Macropterous (wings fully developed) females have 6 or 7 ventrites.
The light emitting part is called lantern, luminescent organ, photic organ, photogenic organ or light organ. Size, shape, location and number of light organ could vary greatly between different species or between genders of the same species. The light organ could be a spot, a patch, c-shaped, a strip, oblong, rectangular or occupying the whole ventrite. In female Stenocladius bicoloripes, almost the whole body glows. There could be only one pair, two pairs, three pairs, or even 33 light spots (3 for each segment) as in female Rhagophthalmus