Luciola sp.
熠螢 Flasher
體長8.5-10.0毫米,前胸背板前緣有粗黑線,鞘翅邊緣黄褐色,近翅尖加寬; 雄螢發光器位於整個第6腹板和第7腹板的前方3份之2。雌螢體型粗壯,複眼細小,鞘翅和後翅皆短小,伸至第四腹背板,不能飛;發光器位於整個第6腹板。
成蟲在茂盛的樹林內活動,雄螢飛行時發放閃光,閃光持續240-300毫秒,閃光間距 140-340亳秒,每個閃光由三個相連脈冲組成。雌螢發出簡單脈冲,脈冲持續250-380毫秒,間距60-420毫秒。雄蛹全身發光。
從表面上看,它與 De Silva 等人在 2023 年重新描述的 Luciola nicollieri 相似,尤其是不尋常的、短翅、不會飛的雌性。然而,香港標本的雄外生殖器與他們的重新描述以及Jusoh & Ballantyne, 2024的重新描述並不一致。
Morphological features
:Male b
ody length 8.5-10.0 mm, a thin dark line runs along the anterior margin of pronotum. Elytra with yellowish brown margin which broaden near the elytra tips; Light organs occupying entire ventrite 6 & anterior 2/3 of ventrite 7 in male. Female body much thicker, compound eyes small, both elytra and hindwings are short, reaching only abdominal tergite 4, incapable to fly. Light organ occupying almost entire ventrite 6
Ng Tung Chai Valley, Tsuen Kam Au, Tai Po Kau, Yuen Tun Ha, Kei Ling Ha, Tai Tam, Mount Parker, Mount Butler.
Adult flight period
Late February to Mid-May.
Other information
:Adults are found at dense woodlands, Flying male displays flashes with 240–300 ms duration and inter-flash intervals of 140–340 ms, each flash is composed of 3 combined pulses. Female adults display simple flash pattern composed of repeated pulsations with varying duration of 250–380 ms and inter-pulse interval of 60–420 ms. The whole body of male pupa glows. Superficially, it is similar to Luciola nicollieri re-described by De Silva et al., 2023, especially the unusual, brachelytral, flightless female. However, the male genitalia of the Hong Kong specimen is not consistent with the re-description by them, as well as the re-description by Jusoh & Ballantyne, 2024.
雄 Male 
雌 Female

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄 Male

雄蛹 Male pupa

雌 Female

雌 Female
雌 Female
雌 Female

雌 Female

雌 Female

求偶 Courtship 
交配 Mating

雄螢閃光 Male flashes

雄螢閃光模式 Male flash pattern

雌螢閃光模式 Female flash pattern

雄螢閃光 Male flashesLuciola sp. (male) from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.
雌螢閃光 Female flashesLuciola sp. (female) from Hong Kong Fireflies on Vimeo.