Body length 5.0-6.5 mm, a large black mark at the middle of pronotum anterior region, size and darkness of the mark varies across individuals; light organs occupying ventrite 6 & 7 in male; only ventrite 6 in female. Female resembles male, but with smaller compound eyes. Close to Luciola laticollis, but smaller in body size, without light colour elytra rim and flash pattern is simple pulsation.
Ng Tung Chai Valley, Tai Po Kau, Tai Mo Shan.
Adult flight period
May to June.
Other information
:Adults are found at dense woodlands, sometimes hundreds of individuals appear at the same time. The type species of
L. curtithorax
has pale elytral rims but the Hong Kong specimens lack this feature.
雄 Male 雌 Female 雄 Male 雄 Male 雄 Male 雄 Male 雌 Female 雌 Female 雌 Female 雌 Female 雄螢閃光模式 Male flash pattern 雄螢閃光 Male flashes